Wir sind dazu da, die Arbeit der Gemeinde zu unterstützen, indem wir in die nächste Generation investieren und sie beim Studium von Gottes Wort unterstützen.

Sieh auch die Facebook page, für Bilder und Neuigkeiten.


  1. All Bible Quizzing events sponsored by the GSN, are to be held according to the General Bible Quiz Policy, the Official Tournament Rules, and the Guidelines for Tournament Officials as found in the Bible Quiz Manual.
  2. Any changes in the General Bible Quiz Policy, the Official Tournament Rules, or the Guidelines for Tournament Officials shall be made by the Youth Committee of the GSN.
  3. The scriptural material for each year is to be selected by the Quiz Director, and ratified by the Youth Committee of the GSN.


  1. To be eligible to participate as a quizzer in the following quiz season one must
    • be single;
    • have had his/her twelfth birthday as of December 31;
    • be in good standing and faithfully attending his/her local church, pastored by a licensed minister of the United Pentecostal Church International. Other qualifications, if any, will be established by the pastor.


  1. All participating teams must be pastored by a licensed minister of the United Pentecostal Church International.
  2. Any church may field more than one team.
    1. In the case of a church having only one quizzer, that one quizzer may join a quizzer or quizzers from another church, thus forming a combined team of at least two quizzers. The maximum number of churches able to combine into one team is two.
  3. A team in either division must have at least two quizzers and not more than three registered for any tournament.


  1. Coaches must attend a local church from which at least one quizzer on the team is comprised.
  2. A coach is not allowed to coach more than one team per division during the course of District Finals or the North American Bible Quiz Tournament.
  3. More than two coaches can be registered with a team; however, during the course of any given tournament, a team is only allowed one head coach and one assistant coach, who both must be registered.
  4. Coaches for a team cannot be altered after the tournament begins, except in cases of extreme emergency or uncontrollable circumstances where special arrangements are made and approved by the Quiz Director.


  1. All tournaments shall feature a double-elimination format.
  2. With the exception of a forfeit, all teams shall play at least twice; no team shall be eliminated by a single loss.
  3. Placement in the matrix shall be by a single random blind draw only. No seeding of teams will be allowed.
  4. The following awards shall be presented:
    1. Team awards to the first through twelfth place teams in both divisions.
    2. Individual awards to the first and second highest scorers within each division. The first and second highest individual scorers must come from the top four teams of each division.
    3. Individual All-Tournament Team awards to the other five highest scoring individuals of each division from teams with at least two victories, if 64 teams or less have participated, or at least three victories if 65 teams or more have participated.
    4. Average scores for first and second highest scorers and All-Tournament Team members are computed by dividing each quizzer’s total points scored by the number of quizzes in which he/she participated.

Looking for an app to help memorize scriptures?  A good one is Remember Me (Android, Iphone, Kindle, Windows) – see more info at

If you use this app, you can download the scripture memory verses for 2018 here to import into your app.  Need instructions?  This document will take you through the whole process of preparing the file and importing it. You can also create an account to synchronize your devices as you work your verses.  Also, you can send a message below to find out how to access the UPCGSN account on as well.

If you have questions regarding quizzing or comments or suggestions, please let us know below:


Equipment, Hilfe, Ideen und Infos auf globaler Ebene –


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